Meeting spirituality
We enter, at moments and continuously, our monastic liturgy and contemplation to meet and re-meet, in silence and meditation, spirituality, that gets experienced dynamically, in permanently more and more evolved ways, as a subjectivity, a person, a friend, a companion, who lives and walks her path, with her characteristics and limits, in the dynamic path of feelings behind and beyond every contact and experience.
It is an experience permanently tempted to land, to find strength and distraction, in metaphysical things, which are also, to a certain extent, indispensable, but spirituality is a permanent, continuous movement of going further. It doesn′t replace any gap and has a price in terms of time; it is that help and that more which spirituality is. When we need to go back to metaphysical life, we bring with us the memory, the experience, the silence, the shaping we got from the monastery.
Metaphysics try to take us away from the walking world, the experienced dimension of subjectivity, which can get more and more intense. Any relationship, either with spirituality, or with people, or with anything else, will never be able to completely satisfy our need for deeper relationships, because spirituality is an always going beyond experiences, towards the inner, the more dynamic, the less metaphysical that we sense they seem or could hint to.