Angelo Cannata
(Modica, 19 February 1964) is a researcher in spirituality and a biblical scholar. He is keen on Gianni Vattimo’s “weak thought”, postmodernism and relativism. In 1991 he got a degree in Biblical Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University and was ordained a priest in the Roman Catholic Church. For several years he taught the Bible in theology schools and managed some parishes. In 2013 he published the book Walking, available for free in this website; it is an introduction to philosophy, aimed to highlight a non-metaphysical perspective, and a guide to build a personal life path. The same year he left priesthood and became a non-believer (which is different from atheist). These choices have been determined by an increasingly clear perception of incompatibility between anti-metaphysics and the dogmatism of the Church, as well as critical thinking and the problem of theodicy. He thinks that faith in a God who is by definition good and omnipotent cannot coexist with an alive memory of his absence in front of evil in the world.
The logo
The logo of the website is a piano with a score, meaning that we interpret and play life. We play, and play with, existential hermenutics in our life, like a musician interprets and plays (and even plays with) a music score. The musical notes can be interpreted also as similar to the letters of the alphabet I, which stands for the first person pronoun, and M, which stands for metaphysics, enclosed in the frame of the paper score. We play in this world our relationship between our subjectivity and what we perceive as metaphysics, which includes other people as well. This activity works as a frame inside which we interpret everything. We can think of those who play a pipe organ in a monastery, often in a soft, dark light, that reminds us the secret space of the soul where our inner experiences happen. We can also imagine “spirituality playing us”, that is, inspiring us, our life, decisions and creativity, the same way the organ player is, in a sense, played by the music they are playing. You can see in this video an example of this idea: