Structures of spirituality – III
The whole and its parts in the structures of spirituality
We can find two words (or even more) inside the whole: BUTTER and FLY, while there is a third one which constitutes the entire word search game: BUTTERFLY. I want to emphasize that there is no difference between the entire word search and the words contained in it: the word search is nothing more than just a long word, possibly with the letters arranged in a square shape, inside which it is possible to identify other words. If we transfer this concept to the fact that our brain can be considered a word search, it means that there is no difference between our brains and the ideas contained inside them: our brain is nothing but an idea, a bigger structure, inside which it is possible to identify smaller ideas. It is a set of neurons, organized as a large complex structure, inside which it is possible to identify smaller sets of neurons and smaller structures; what changes is only size and complexity. We could even say that our brain is made up of many small brains inside it.
We had said that the whole universe can be considered as a big word search, like a big brain; it follows that every object in the universe can be considered in turn as a small word search or a small idea inside. At this point we can say that there is no difference between ideas and objects, since both ideas and objects are nothing but structures that we think we can find. A stone can be considered a structure and on its surface we can identify shapes, as we do sometimes with the clouds; in this case a stone is like a brain where we pinpoint the casual presence of an idea.
After what we have said, it is not difficult to admit that not only our brain thinks, but our ideas think as well. So, not only I think of ideas, but it also happens that they think of me. Of course they do it in their own way, but the only difference between my thinking of an idea and my being thought of by it is just in the degree of complexity and the type of structures, such as the difference between the word search and the words that are inside it. It is not so difficult to consider that anything can be considered an idea, since everything is made of structures and any structure can be considered an idea.
All of this should not be considered as a metaphysics: idealism as a metaphysics was already been introduced mainly by Fichte, Schelling and Hegel. What I have described here is just a suggested hermeneutics that, as such, might be helpful in certain cases to interpret the world of spirituality.